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  1. Nirvana

    Interlinks don’t do anything! Or do they? 32 rca cables analyzed

    Well, at least the 'others' realise júst that - that carrying on like this on a topic that neither side can, or need to prove, is totally pointless and thus unwanted... 🤷
  2. Nirvana

    Interlinks don’t do anything! Or do they? 32 rca cables analyzed

    Hahaha, OK KM, after your confession, and Legro's post, we finally get it! It doesn't matter which room or system - you just can't hear it! :confused: So whether you really just can't hear it, or maintain that there's no difference to uphold your view, in both cases you are right! (y) And we...
  3. Nirvana

    Interlinks don’t do anything! Or do they? 32 rca cables analyzed

    Hahaha, a thread alive with infinite entertainment! 🥳 If I may - can I ask the 2 gents who consistently dispute the subjective observations of other members, without knowing them, their experience or systems - can you, other than discern differences between speakers, describe differences you...
  4. Nirvana

    Do you power condition?

    Hahaha, and it seems that Christoff83 "has left the building" 🤭 Maybe to check his watch..? 😉
  5. Nirvana

    Do you power condition?

    Yes, let me not comment any more, since we have 'sort of' derailed the topic! I do however seem to detect a more even approach in your last post - you have a lot to offer, so do others - let's keep it as constructive as possible? 🍻
  6. Nirvana

    Do you power condition?

    Thanks for your interest @hendrikvr Yes, I don't dispute that KM has made some good contributions along the way. It's the way it sometimes heads, that causes the itch. Unfortunately, as can be seen by Tontel's post, far too often the comments from KM are very pedantic, to the point it may (and...
  7. Nirvana

    Do you power condition?

    Golly KM... You seem to be a good thinker, certainly in your own mind at least! ;) But your responses on the forum are often pedantic to the extreme, and though not directly personal, often belittle the view/point/experience of other members, unfortunately giving the impression of an...
  8. Nirvana

    Do you power condition?

    Exactly! Draw your own conclusions from a few of the responses to your unwanted comments here, and other threads. If you have something valuable to add, there are better ways... 🤷
  9. Nirvana

    Do you power condition?

    Haha, yes well it's clear that according to the GREAT GURU of science and audio, mr KM, we are all delusional in our own subjective worlds of enjoyment, and should crawl into a corner, waiting for the next barage of belittlement... Tsk tsk tsk 🙄
  10. Nirvana

    The Cape Town Hi-Fi Club

    Thanks to an invite by Jozua, I was able attend this lovely meeting of souls at a prime venue, as indicated by Chris. A very inviting space for those in the know of things audio! It was great to meet some familiar names and faces again, as well as getting to know new ones! Atmosphere was very...
  11. Nirvana

    Trusted Repairer/Tweaker database

    Hi Roddy, you may try Rendon Greeff in Rondebosch, AFAIK he has worked on Jolida amps, and also fixed a problem I had on my Jolida cdp a while ago. His no is 0813728911 - you can tell him I referred you - cheers!
  12. Nirvana

    FdlSys - Sad news

    Wow what a sad loss to his whole family - his own, as well as us, on the forum! He still responded to a whapp I sent him yesterday. Ito hifi, especially vinyl, the man was like a father to many of us... R.I.P. Mike
  13. Nirvana

    Whats on the TT...

    Nice find Vusi, I have this same lp! I also have 2 or 3 of her other works in Trio format on flac - love her interpretations. 👌
  14. Nirvana

    Noisy Exclamé volume control

    @ Tobes had a similar problem with an Accuphase, he solved by using an appropriate substance on the pot - maybe ask him..? Cheers!
  15. Nirvana

    12AX7 / ECC83 advice sought

    Indeed Stefan, your comments very much echo mine, both ito horses for courses, and (for me) use of the LPS in this application, as stated. The LPS should definitely display better bass, dynamics and PRaT than most tubes in this amp, certainly more so than most in the 5751 family. This tube I...
  16. Nirvana

    12AX7 / ECC83 advice sought

    Hi Rod, I think that JoLida might well be my old one! I sold it off with the Sovtek LPS, a tube which is recommended quite often with the amp. I also had Mullards in there which worked well. The Raytheons are also popular, maybe give them some more time? AFA 5751, the lower gain makes them a...
  17. Nirvana

    Which amplifier will you keep for life????

    Hehe, I did, and you gave it a 'like'! ;) But yes, imo it can be mentioned again - I'm quite sure I will only sell by the time I go to active speakers... 🥳
  18. Nirvana

    Which amplifier will you keep for life????

    Haha, hopefully this day never comes, but until then it will probably be my Exclame 150 SE, with special Philips valves and excellent built-in phono. Been a Very Appreciative camper since 2003, and only a major change in direction may prompt a sale! :unsure:
  19. Nirvana

    Buying a Hana ML from Dewald - Service Excellence

    The Dino is very decent yes, got one from Louis quite a few years ago. Enjoy the excitement! 🥂
  20. Nirvana

    Buying a Hana ML from Dewald - Service Excellence

    Hehe, so I was pipped to the 'post' - I also sent you Dewald's no via pm, and off course Achim can be contacted right here! So good luck - and keep us posted!