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  1. Kemosabe

    Audio Discourse - Is it Really all BS? Part 2

    I have recently been thinking about these sorts of debates in hi-fi & have been developing something like the quantum or shrodingers cat theory of cables. Ie it is true they both do and do not make any difference and it is almost entirely dependent on the observers frame of reference. We measure...
  2. Kemosabe

    PM and non-response culture

    I'm quivering while typing this response in case off topic, but I'll be brave. Agree @Timber_MG , some of the best parts of the forum used to be people building a diversity of things, sometimes aspirational and sharing their experiences. Allowed us to live vicariously and enjoy the journey with...
  3. Kemosabe

    Status of AVFforums-SA

    Well said Chris. We are a tiny community, will will have some parries and sparring here and there but let's try to keep it good natured and above the belt. And as you point out - what's it all for at the end of the day. No point in scoring technical points but at the cost of making the forum a...
  4. Kemosabe

    Status of AVFforums-SA

    @Family_Dog not such a cool dig there. Largely supporting Seans point I think. People are different and there will be personality clashes here and there. There should be as much freedom of expression and latitude to disagree as compatible with creating a vibrant community. Only persistent...
  5. Kemosabe

    Where to from here?

    That sounds like a wise decision!
  6. Kemosabe

    Status of AVFforums-SA

    I agree some basic rule adherence and avoiding over zealous moderation is in the common interest.
  7. Kemosabe

    Joke for the day

  8. Kemosabe

    REW Measurements of AlleyCat's Room- Take 2

    Thanks interesting thread. Please keep going with the system changes and show how you address/improve the response. Would like to learn from the practical steps taken. And then a subjective report on how the music listening experience changed.
  9. Kemosabe


    If you get tired of your "insurance premiums" ie the space your stuff consumes, please allow me to assist alleviate this problem.
  10. Kemosabe


    @Baseline you echo my thoughts and risk management instincts perfectly. One needs to be prepared for the unexpected in all matters of importance to you.
  11. Kemosabe

    Wolverine Slow Build

    Very nice thank you. Will watch from time to time with interest.
  12. Kemosabe

    THIXAR style rack build

    Your "mock up" is better than most DIY'ers final product. Well done - this is going to be awesome. Just one question: I don't know the principles behind THIXAR vibration damping, but there are various DIY approaches to vibration control so why not incorporate one or more of these in your design?
  13. Kemosabe

    Cable Scammers….

    In the USA there are stiff penalties for wire fraud.
  14. Kemosabe

    Non hifi stuff

    Why is he not taking it with him? I believe the grass is greener on the other side...
  15. Kemosabe

    FdlSys - Sad news

    Very sad. It's not often I'm short of words but today is one of those occasions. I hope it was a short and peaceful passing and deepest condolences to his loved ones. He will be missed deeply as a person, and his hi-fi knowledge and community spirit is irreplaceable! Rest in peace buddy.
  16. Kemosabe

    What An Audiophile!

    Love it love it! Finally.... I am so happy to see more people speaking out and calling it like it is. That "beautiful" but artificial "non music music" that gets used exclusively to demo systems being identified for what it is. It's beautiful crap.
  17. Kemosabe

    What An Audiophile!

    This is a such a quality thread. The thought and care that has gone into contributions from both sides of the aisle is high caliber, print worthy prose. I have my own opinions but the quality of discussion on both sides swayed me this way and that. Love the fact that we can argue points like...
  18. Kemosabe

    Mega systems...

    I dont mind large hi-fi's but it is a general trend that as they get beyond a certain size it's the rare few that remain elegant looking. This hi-fi has jumped right to the top of my mental list of most off-putting looking hi-fis. Absolutely tasteless!
  19. Kemosabe

    How much do cables matter?

    Thanks I am finding this thread both entertaining and educational. Well done on polite arguing - a good example to be emulated.
  20. Kemosabe

    Been here before

    I second this. This thread reminds me of the recent dishonest seller thread. It's pretty unhelpful to make general accusatory statements and then storm off in a huff. Almost nobody knows what you're talking about except perhaps a select minority. And the lack of willingness to explain yourself...