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  1. L

    Interlinks don’t do anything! Or do they? 32 rca cables analyzed

    You hear it...........or you don't. Don't try and convince those that do that they are mistaken. Don't try and convince those that don't that they should. And they all lived happily ever after.
  2. L

    Status of AVFforums-SA

    Why troll? Why reign in? Why dig? Why give a flying f**ck? My god, we are a tiny niche segment of a tiny niche segment with some here apparently feeling better if they attack, offend, insult etc etc. Go for it: you throw mud at others - you will find yourself quite dirty afterwards.
  3. L

    So what does the new planned NHS hold in for us?

    I would hope there are more important reasons to live healthy lives than wanting to " stand together agains the entire medical industry ". But if that's the way you gonna get there, go for it.
  4. L

    So what does the new planned NHS hold in for us?

    The overwhelming gist of the - otherwise usually quite insightful - Daily Maverick analysis is: Relax guys, it will not happen for another 30 years. Great! Nothing to worry about...... For me the one, and only, positive about this is that it clearly shows that the ruling party is absolutely...
  5. L

    Do you power condition?

    This is mistaken. Hearing, seeing, smelling etc is, per definition, subjective. We are all " subjectivists " and can not be anything else. Most unfortunate, therefore, that this term gets dragged into completely inappropriate debates. Whichever technological and scientific hoops you decide to...
  6. L

    REW Measurements of AlleyCat's Room- Take 2

    Interesting: I seem to recall you mentioning this before and I gather this is the crux of your argument - and an approach that clearly works for you. Where do you go if the measurements are all good and your musical experience does not concur? Or the reverse? Do you then just accept that...
  7. L

    That time again.

    Sorry Thys, you may have missed the decidedly tongue in cheek intention of the comment.
  8. L

    That time again.

    Interesting post. However, I do think we can up the ante and ask Who should be Vaccinated: Palestinians or Israelis, Ukrainians or Russians. Clearly some here are drowning in the information available to them.
  9. L

    Do you power condition?

    My broken record contribution. Some here have ears informed, guided and affirmed by measurements. And, subconsciously of course!, I suspect there are those that may even attempt to change what they hear based on those measurements. Some here look at measurements and use them to confirm what...
  10. L

    tv series

    Will have to stop apologising for being 5 years behind the rest, but..... The Boys. Brilliant. Takes the superhero genre, turns it upside down and proceeds to shake it silly. The violence and sex is, ahem, graphic ( I thought I'd seen it all before - clearly I was mistaken ) but the show is...
  11. L

    FdlSys - Sad news

    Oh no, such sad news. Condolences to the ones left behind. A Very good person.
  12. L

    What was the last Film you watched?

    A Masterpiece. Been a fan since Prisoners ( aka " Captives " here in SA ), but Arrival, Sicario and Bladerunner 2049 has, for me, cemented Villeneuve as one of our greatest living directors. a Cinematic genius.
  13. L

    Audio Discourse - Is it Really all BS? Part 2

    For me, hifi pleasures can easily be reduced to - - Listen. - Hear. - Be honest with yourself. Deceptively simple but, for some, apparently, unobtanium. And, " trying to convince others " does not feature ......
  14. L

    What An Audiophile!

    Re Sonus Fabers: Have a pair of 25 year old Concerto's ( the real deal ) and two 4 yr old Cremonese's ( the wannabes ) They still have to prove themselves ( the Cremonese's ), but yeah, getting there. Never heard Vivids but, fcuk, they look terrible. Never really been a fan of double blind...
  15. L

    What An Audiophile!

    I'm in my late 50's, so my son and his school had to teach me about " cyber bullying ". Two terms, which, I always thought, are a contradiction in terms. Just shows you how far I'm removed from our times. ANYWAY.. This is If you can't handle what's being preached: cables...
  16. L

    What An Audiophile!

    Sorry for straying, but....... Just imagining that in another few years the title to this thread may well be: " What?? An Audiophile?!! " Hopefully not.....
  17. L

    Political comments from Picture of the Day.

    My previous posts make my feelings about the actions of the SA Government quite clear. I'm no conspiracy theorist, but would love to know the real agenda behind the sudden galvanising of our, otherwise spectacularly inept, judiciary into this grandstanding. Election year, distracting attention...
  18. L

    Political comments from Picture of the Day.

    After some reflection - a change of heart. The poll is about " ...capturing sufficient perspective .....". I think this thread beautifully demonstrates how Donald Trump managed to enter the White House for a first, and most probably will manage to enter for a second term. Conducted in a...
  19. L

    Prime Сasual Dating - Living Women

    Tja, necrophilia just aint what it used to be......