Schiit Modi 3e - my experience


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Jul 12, 2017
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My setup was simple, laptop to the Bryston B100 to the Dali Ikon 6 speakers. I used a Stereo to RCA cable and was quite happy with the sound I got. Clean, crisp, dynamic and with the bass thump I love. I live in a small apartment, can't play too loud so getting all this at low volumes is satisfying.

I would read about DACs, the iFi Zen, SMSL, Schiit Modi, etc. and wonder how much they would improve the sound for my setup but given my simple setup never felt like getting one. Till I got an opportunity and got the Modi 3e.

I was travelling for the last two months and upon my return just hooked the DAC between the laptop and the amp. First song, Misty Mountains from the Hobbit, immediately I noticed the noise was gone. The background was silent. Playing straight off the laptop there was always a bit of noise. Most of the times don't look and you miss it but sometimes it would just jump at you. With the Modi in the loop, nothing. The song just felt cleaner, crisper and yeah the bass felt better, much better.

I haven't done a A/B comparison by hooking up the laptop to the amp, just don't see the need. Even though I listened to my setup after 2 months, I could still see a discernable difference. I've played songs by Nat King Cole, Jaco Pastorius, Ray Charles, Vanilla Ice, Bruno Mars, Pharrel Williams, Santana, Aerosmith, The Doors... and all have sounded better now than they did before.

As far as I am concerned, now I'll always recommend for my friends to get a DAC. They make a difference.

For those who like numbers on their equipment here is a review of the Modi 3e conducted in the same vein as,
Schiit Modi 3E Review and Measurements