Rega Planar 3


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AVForums Grandmaster
Jan 11, 2016
Reaction score
Snor City
So my Rega appreciation started way back when with my Fono Mini I used when just starting out on the vinyl journey. Did a bunch of research since then and I like the design philosophy and the way it's all put together. Good engineering(if not universally agreed with) and a minimum of gimmicks.

Sold my Mini a while back(hope it's still being enjoyed), then finally got the funds together for a TT upgrade, was initially looking at a newish RP1, then I saw a Planar 3 on gumtree... Well that was it, bit of research and I find out it was our good mate alty selling it, sold him some sob story ( ;) ) and he gave me a great price! I still owe him one for that, although he did hear my Mars pre before me so.... Seriously now to any outside observers, alternativeroute/The Turntable Guy, brilliant service and all round nice guy.

It's in glorious knick with an Ortofon 2M Red on it, couldn't be happier!

Part of the reason I wanted Rega was the "fiddling" opportunities, although HIGHLY controversial, I plan to turn this into at least a Planar 4.2!

Now hold onto your hats gents, the first step will be a Croak re-wire with Cardas...  :faint: Still with me? Well I promise I haven't forsaken my crusade, my reasoning is thus:

1. The stock cables are too short
2. The stock cables are  :cr@p:
3. I don't like the lack of an earthing wire in the slightest
4. While he's in there it makes sense to do the tonearm wire properly
5. IF(and it's a big if) cables make the slightest bit of difference, the place they will do will be in a phono cable
6. Although dangerously close to the event horizon of the snake oil black hole I think I can just slip by Interstellar style.

Looking forward to seeing Guillaume's work and will of course update. He's doing me a Cardas 4x33 internal and a Mogami external with, actually I don't know what RCA's, I'll ask.

Now for the point of this post, this will be a long term project, I highly doubt I'll be getting a different TT in the next decade, so I am looking for:

Metal sub-platter
Metal pulley
Ruby bearing
Rega "white" belt
24V motor upgrade
Thrust bearing
Top plinth brace
Bearing sleeve ceramic/phosphor bronze/aluminium
Rega titanium counterweight or asymmetric 3rd party weight

Ortofon Silver cartridge
Ortofon Blue stylus

I can import this all myself easily(shameless plug) but if someone has these bits in drawers it'll help me out a lot. By the time I bequeath this to the kids I want nothing left original but a tonearm, dust cover and plinth.